440N Non-Contact Interlock Switches, SensaGuard


Representative Rendering, Not The Actual Product

SensaGuard18mm Dia Plastic Barrel Sensor & 18mm Plastic Standard Code Actuator, 15mm(0.59 in.) Assured Sensing Distance , LED Door Indication/Diagnostic , 10 M PVC Cable, 18 mm Plastic Barrel / 18 mm Plastic Standard Code Actuator Standard Code Actuator

Product Details

Product FamilySensaGuard
Style18 mm Plastic Cylindrical Barrel
Housing18mm Dia Plastic Barrel/18 mm Dia Plastic Standard Coded Actuator
General Description18 mm Plastic Barrel
Actuator Type18 mm Plastic Barrel with 18 mm Plastic Standard Code Actuator
Assured Sensing Distance (Make)15 mm (0.59 in)
Safety Outputs2 x PNP, 0.2A, max: Status: ON (+24V DC)
Auxiliary Outputs1 x PNP, 0.2A, max Auxiliary Output
LED Indication for Door Status and TroubleshootingYes
Connection10 M Cable

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